Monday, December 3, 2012


One of my favorite Christmas traditions is our yearly adventure into the mountains with our dear friends Abbey & Greg. We search high and low in the forests near Red Feather Lakes for that "perfect tree". In our book, perfect means quirky. I love a good tree with just enough branches to hold those big bulb lights on it; I'm talking about Charlie Brown style trees. Our search always leads us to the ones that you would find in the $10 reject pile at lowes or home depot. Because in the end it's never really about the tree. Tree hunting is about our chance to laugh, get lost, drink coffee from our thermos and constantly be taking pictures. We run, we walk, we climb. We sometimes fall in the mud (yes I fell shin deep in mud, it was awesome and also freezing). I love those memories every year, especially because we get to share them with the best of friends. Happy tree hunting!


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